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Era 18 will end in.. 1 week, 3 days, 18 hours, 59 minutes and 20 seconds

ERA 17 Start Date February 24th, 2024 / End Date June 8th, 2024
Name Rank Army Size Attack Rank Defend Rank Spy Rank Sentry Rank
Treasury     Siege     Fortification Attack Rating Defend Rating Spy Rating Sentry Rating
karlimu #821 268,174 Goblins #685 #653 #967 #959
61,772,182 Gold Sappers Fortress 83,190,185 9,102,992 0 0
SamwiseGanja #822 1,252,989 Elves #621 #688 #982 #974
139,895,496 Gold Cannons Stockade 659,254,465 4,118,590 0 0
Rolz #823 284,604 Hobbits #964 #893 #710 #698
58,393,990 Gold None Camp 284,364 284,397 0 0
donnytsc #824 213,259 Humans #959 #996 #660 #652
262,767,230 Gold None Camp 285,853 211,824 0 0
wetaud #825 169,234 Goblins #1,015 #1,018 #622 #614
107,213,266 Gold None Camp 221,763 177,504 0 0
Kuperie #826 424,137 Orcs #540 #567 #1,083 #1,080
482,294,644 Gold Ringwraiths Keep 5,289,435,155 69,526,292 0 0
JMBeast #827 246,879 Elves #995 #896 #696 #686
57,727,103 Gold None Camp 246,519 283,581 0 0
Superman #828 39,641 Orcs #791 #1,072 #715 #703
113,027,906 Gold None Camp 430,626 82,904 0 0
Butters789 #829 367,867 Hobbits #631 #589 #1,035 #1,027
74,313,224 Gold Great Horn Palace 509,590,719 47,255,519 0 0
Slink #830 280,397 Orcs #846 #907 #771 #762
162,394,767 Gold None Camp 391,471 279,647 0 0
ludaisdead #831 240,221 Orcs #665 #1,007 #566 #1,050
123,689,655 Gold Dynamite Camp 163,468,235 187,864 1,659,876 0
Sidermouse #832 222,985 Elves #1,013 #941 #671 #663
186,354,134 Gold None Camp 222,029 255,420 0 0
exmare #833 278,681 Dwarves #980 #774 #773 #764
233,695,848 Gold None Camp 277,725 416,667 0 0
The_Falok #834 359,998 Humans #765 #736 #900 #891
99,747,668 Gold Battering Ram Walled Town 1,066,152 789,812 0 0
pogbond #835 279,063 Dwarves #976 #772 #778 #769
102,786,563 Gold None Camp 278,759 418,213 0 0
FailThenBail #836 251,389 Orcs #887 #950 #739 #727
192,083,347 Gold None Camp 350,606 250,433 0 0
SoulKillerOG #837 279,498 Elves #971 #809 #766 #757
70,137,348 Gold None Camp 279,378 321,347 0 0
Cdawg7 #838 204,189 Elves #1,028 #975 #654 #646
177,772,991 Gold None Camp 203,105 233,811 0 0
Cim231- #839 206,825 Humans #974 #998 #670 #662
120,899,427 Gold None Camp 278,890 206,667 0 0
TWVer #840 1,174,247 Orcs #635 #529 #1,073 #1,070
147,560,574 Gold Great Horn Citadel 413,250,714 149,083,566 0 0
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