One does not simply set a timer to end the era. |
User Guide
The following are prohibited:
- Using automated tools/macros/autobuyer/sell catcher/auto message sender (or anything that automates a process of within the game) is illegal and will lead to account removal.
- Registering or having control of more than one account
- Sharing passwords with other people and logging into accounts that are not yours
- Your account is to be played by you alone and not shared with others in your household or utilizing remote access software.
- Posting links in the Kings of Chaos chat, Kings of Chaos forums, or anywhere it is against the policies
- Registering an email address that is not yours
- Registering more than one account, or transferring your account to someone else during an era (An account transfer is only allowed between end of and start of an era. You must contact bon or game moderator before transferring an account to someone else).
- Advertising through PM or any other method
- Recruiting a player through PM with excessive messages
- Downloading any part of the Kings of Chaos website with any piece of software other than a web browser
- Using any process that automatically gets information from the website
- Using any process that automatically posts information to the website
- Using any process that combines multiple gameplay actions (attack, sabotage, etc) into one user action, including loading multiple stats pages at once.
- Accessing any part of the Kings of Chaos website via proxy/VPN/tor or similar
- Using any form of Virtual networks, machines or servers.
- Using features otherwise than intended
- Posting inappropriate content
- Attempting to cause harm to the any of the Kings of Chaos servers
- Attempting in any way to circumvent the mechanisms set up to keep Kings of Chaos fair
Rules regarding accounts played via Proxy, VPN, Tor server:
Due to the Game Admins not being able to truly identify accounts using Proxy, VPN or TOR servers as legitimate players and not used as a multi-account, the use of these is strictly banned. Any account attempting to use such servers will have aspects of their account adjusted to remove the chance of any unfair advantage. This will include (but is not limited to) armory contents, soldiers, and upgrades.
There is no acceptable reason to use these servers which means the Admins will not accept the use of these as a necessity to play the game as a reason for using them.
Rules regarding accounts on the same IP/same household:
- Accounts that appear on the same IP/same household are not allowed to attack, sabotage, raid, sell, bank other accounts on the same IP/same household
- If someone on an IP/same household is found to be violating the rules then all accounts on that IP/same household will be removed from the game.
Accounts that appear on the same IP/same household cannot be used to give an unfair advantage which includes the following:-
- Using in game actions to help another player in the household/using the same IP gain Rewards.
- NO MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS ALLOWED, while we allow family members/friends to play in the same household we make sure that it is not 1 single person playing the accounts on the same IP/same household. Accounts made to bypass the multiple account rule claiming to be family members/friends are immediately removed from the game.
When sharing your link, you may do the following:
- Post your link on message boards where it is allowed and is on-topic
- Email your link to your friends or send it to them on instant messenger
- Have people who are not signed into the game click your link
- Have your link in your Facebook/twitter/instagram etc. profile
- Post your link on a personal website
Alliance Scripts
All scripts created for Kings of Chaos website must adhere to the following rules:
- Every single action or decision that is completed within the game should be done so by a human and that human is to be the owner of that account. No actions or decisions can be completed automatically by a script or an external program.
- Scanned gold can only be visible on the battlefield.php and stats.php (with an NUMERIC id=) pages in the exact position where the game displays gold if you have the ability to see it without having to recon. Scanned gold is NOT to be displayed on any other page within the game, or on any external pages generated by the script.
- Custom pages generated by scripts are to be limited to being displayed on the stats.php page and must use the format of stats.php?id=. These custom pages CANNOT have a players gold displayed or any indication of what gold a player is currently holding. Stats such as SA, DA, Spy, Sentry and TFF are allowed for informational purposes. Any script found to be using custom pages anywhere else on the game will result in a ban for all players using the script.
- Alliance scripts are not permitted to generate a farm list of any kind, in any way. The game provides an adaquate page to manage your farms. Any script found to be using a customised farm list will result in potential bans/suspensions for any players using it.
- Alliance scripts cannot make any changes to warlist.php and farmlist.php at all.
- Alliance scripts are not permitted to sort data in any way, whether manually or automatically based on information they have scraped or obtained, that provides an advantage above others within the game. To make it clear, this includes (but is not limited to) GOLD and TBG, and TFF!
All tool developers must allow a Kings of Chaos admin a fully-functional test account to ensure compliance with these rules. If you are a developer and have questions, please email a Kings of Chaos admin. Kings of Chaos does not maintain a list of "approved" tools - updates to a previously-legal tool may make it illegal. Use of browser add-ons and tools is at your own risk.
Failure to adhere to the above posted rules and guidelines may result in account suspension or termination. Kings of Chaos reserves the right to change these rules at any time, without notice.
In Kings of Chaos, you are in command of an army of either humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, undead, trolls or goblins. The aim of the game is to strengthen your
army to attack other players and take their gold, raid other players to kill their soldiers, sabotage or revenge sabotage other players to destroy their weapons! Players are ranked
so you can see how your forces stack up to everyone else.
To build up your attack and defense strength, you must have the soldiers to do so. Soldiers per Minute upgrades will help you to gain soldiers, you will also take hostages when attacking which you can then heal. The Hostages you heal will then become untrained soldiers. You may also hire mercenaries or train your soldiers. You can also trade experience for soldiers on the Trade page. Each time you gain an additional soldier, your attack and defense strength will increase slightly, as will the amount of gold you receive per turn. The number of officers you can have is unlimited, so the more people who sign up to be your officer the faster you can build your alliance.
To train your soldiers, use the Training page. Soldiers can be trained to be specialists in either attack or
defense - whichever you choose, they will boost that ranking further, while ceasing to contribute to the other ranking. You can
also train soldiers to become spies or sentries, which will be discussed in more detail later. In this case they cease to contribute to your
attack/defense strength and the amount of gold you get per turn, as instead they are being kept in readiness for any covert missions you may choose to send them on.
You can hire mercenaries on the Training page, but only up to a strength of 33% of your total force - so for every 3 normal soldiers
you gain, you can hire one more mercenary. Mercenaries contribute to your attack or defense strength, but do not contribute to the amount of gold you gain each turn.
Weaponry can be purchased (and repaired, sold or scrapped) on the Armory page. For each race there are various weapons
available for both attacking and defending, becoming increasingly expensive as they become more effective. The exact strength of
each weapon in your armory is dependent upon its state of repair (weapons become damaged during battles and must be
repaired to remain fully effective), and also your level of siege technology and fortifications. Higher levels of siege
technology and fortifications raise the strength of every single weapon you possess, so they are well worth upgrading. You can upgrade
your siege and fortification levels on the Upgrades page.
Covert Action is a general term for your Spy and Sentry ratings.
Your force of spies becomes more powerful by training soldiers
to be spies. Every spy you train increases your spy strength,
and therefore helps you move up in spy ranking. Also, if you conduct
many espionage missions spies will sometimes get caught, so you will
need to replace them. If your spy rating is high, you will be able to
see more players' gold on the battlefield without having to spy on them.
Your force of sentries becomes more powerful by training soldiers to
be sentries. Every sentry you train increases your sentry rating.
The higher your sentry rating, the harder it is for other players to
see your gold on the battlefield, spy on you or sabotage/revenge sabotage your weapons.
If you invest in spies or sentries you should upgrade your covert skill
when you can. Upgrading applies to your entire force of spies and sentries.
Upgrading covert skill, training spies and training sentries can all be done
one the Training page.
You will need 2-1 spy to sentry ratio to see their gold on the battlefield and vice versa for sentry details.
You need 1-3 spy to sentry ratio to be able to successfully recon a player.
To successfully sabotage/revenge sabotage a player you will need 1-1.5 spy to sentry ratio. ie. if you have 100m spy you can sab up to 150m sentry.
You can now recon a player 30 times per 24 Hours.
Sabotage attempts are now maxxed out at 10 attempts per 24 Hours.
Revenge Sabotage attempts are now maxxed out at 4 attempts per 24 Hours.
Race Bonuses
Each race in Kings of Chaos has a particular area in which they
excel. These can work to your advantage in gaining higher rankings,
so it is worth considering them before choosing your race:
- Humans: 30% Attack Bonus, 20% Sentry Bonus, 10% Poison Bonus.
- Dwarves: 40% Defense Bonus, 10% Spy Bonus, 10% Theft Bonus.
- Elves: 35% Spy Bonus, 15% Theft Bonus, 10% Poison Bonus.
- Orcs: 30% Attack Bonus, 20% Antidote Bonus, 10% Spy Bonus.
- Undead: 30% Sentry Bonus, 20% Hostage Bonus, 10% Defense Bonus.
- Trolls: 30% Theft Bonus, 20% Casualty Bonus, 10% Attack Bonus.
- Goblins: 25% Poison Bonus, 20% Vigilance Bonus, 15% Hostage Bonus.
Clarification on Race Bonuses:
- Casualty Bonus = Less casualties you lose when you are attacked/raided.
- Hostage Bonus = More hostages you add to your unhealed hostage count when you attack/raid.
Current TBG Era 20 (Turn-based gold) by race for all soldiers and covert troops.
- Base TBG = Untrained, trained attack, and trained defense soldiers earn 2 gold per turn. Soldiers trained as spies, sentries, venomweavers, serpentwardens, thieves and rangers earn 0.8 gold per turn.
Current Base TBG with 10% Income bonus added to all races.
Humans: Untrained, trained attack, and trained defense soldiers earn 2.2 gold per turn. Soldiers trained as spies, sentries, venomweavers, serpentwardens, thieves and rangers earn 0.88 gold per turn.
Dwarves: Untrained, trained attack, and trained defense soldiers earn 2.2 gold per turn. Soldiers trained as spies, sentries, venomweavers, serpentwardens, thieves and rangers earn 0.88 gold per turn.
Elves: Untrained, trained attack, and trained defense soldiers earn 2.2 gold per turn. Soldiers trained as spies, sentries, venomweavers, serpentwardens, thieves and rangers earn 0.88 gold per turn.
Orcs: Untrained, trained attack, and trained defense soldiers earn 2.2 gold per turn. Soldiers trained as spies, sentries, venomweavers, serpentwardens, thieves and rangers earn 0.88 gold per turn.
Undead: Untrained, trained attack, and trained defense soldiers earn 2.2 gold per turn. Soldiers trained as spies, sentries, venomweavers, serpentwardens, thieves and rangers earn 0.88 gold per turn.
Trolls: Untrained, trained attack, and trained defense soldiers earn 2.2 gold per turn. Soldiers trained as spies, sentries, venomweavers, serpentwardens, thieves and rangers earn 0.88 gold per turn.
Goblins: Untrained, trained attack, and trained defense soldiers earn 2.2 gold per turn. Soldiers trained as spies, sentries, venomweavers, serpentwardens, thieves and rangers earn 0.88 gold per turn.
Your Vault can be found your Armory and Upgrade page. Underneath your Available Funds you will see Vault Gold, below you can see how the Vault works.
- Vault Tax will be removed every 6 hours, total is still 5% per 24hrs.
- All gold from Attacks/Raids/Conquests now go directly to your Vault. You can still stack hits to do an upgrade but it can no longer be stolen.
- Vault gold can now be used to train soldiers, buy mercanaries.
- SAFE withdrawals now go directly to your Vault.
- Selling your entire armory/individual weapons/tools will now see 100% of your sell go directly to your Vault.
- If you sell to do an upgrade the upgrade button will use gold from your vault.
- Once your upgrades are all finalized or if you decide not to do any upgrades when you sell then you can rebuy weapons/tools with the gold in your vault. (remember when you sell each time you are subject to the KoC tax of 50% resale value on your weapons/tools.
- Your current Vault gold will show under Safe gold in the box on the left side under Server Time.
- Vault gold is displayed on the upgrade page under Available Funds.
- Vault gold is displayed on the armory page under Available funds.
- Buying weapons/tools on the armory page will use vault gold first and any available funds left over to distribute your funds how you have your armory prefill preferences set.
- Amount of weapons/tools you can buy with Available funds/Vault gold is now displayed correctly.
How Poison works:-
To poison other players in the game you will need to train poison personnel that you will find on the Training page called Venomweavers at a cost of 4000
per unit, you will also need to purchase new poison tools that are available in your Armory under Poison Tools that will increase your Poison Rating. To increase your Poison Rating you will also need to upgrade your Poison Skill on your Upgrades page.
Poison has 10 upgrade levels, below are what personnel can be poisoned as you upgrade each level as well as how hospital works.
- Level 0: Only kills untrained soldiers.
- Level 1: Kills all mercs types.
- Level 2: Kills attack soldiers and defense soldiers.
- Level 3: Kills spies and sentries.
- Level 4: Kills serpentwardens and venomweavers.
- Level 5: Kills thieves and rangers
- Level 6: Unlocking this level kills hostages and unlocks the ability to send extra personnel to the hospital.
- Level 7 through 10: Will only increase the kill ratio and the hospital explained below.
The ratio of kills and personnel sent to the hospital depends on your upgrade level. The troops that are sent to the hospital are removed from the targets personnel and can only be healed by sacrificing serpentwardens. The amount of serpentwardens needed to heal depends on your Antidote Skill level. Any troop not healed will die after spending 3 days in the hospital.
To poison another player it will cost you 35 turns and you can attempt to poison that player 10 times in 24hrs.
Antidote rating helps prevent other players from using Poison against you. Training serpentwardenson on the Training
page, buying antidote tools on your Armory under Antidote Tools as well as increasing your antidote upgrades on the
Upgrades page will help prevent your personnel being killed/hospitalized from poison attacks. When poisoned your personnel can be killed as well as hospitalized, the higher upgrade level you have will help decrease the amount of serpentwardens needed to be sacrificed to heal your infected personnel.
How Theft works:-
To steal from other players in the game you will need to train personnel that you will find on the Training page called Thieves at a cost of 10000 per unit, you will also need to purchase new theft tools that are available in your Armory under Theft Tools that will increase your Theft Rating. To increase your Theft Rating further you will also need to upgrade your Theft Skill on your Upgrades page.
Theft has 4 upgrade levels, below are what weapons/tools can be stolen as you upgrade each level.
- Level 0: Only allows attack weapons to be stolen.
- Level 1: Allows defense weapons to be stolen.
- Level 2: Allows spy and sentry tools to be stolen.
- Level 3: Allow poison and antidote tools to be stolen.
- Level 4: Allows theft and vigilance tools to be stolen.
As you progress through the upgrade levels you will be able to steal other weapon/tool types from your targets armory.
To steal from another player it will cost you 30 turns and you can attempt to steal from that player 10 times in 24hrs.
Vigilance rating helps prevent other players from stealing weapons/tools from you. Training Rangers on the Training
page, buying Vigilance tools on your Armory under Vigilance Tools as well as increasing your Vigilance upgrades on the
Upgrades page will help prevent your weapons/tools being stolen.
Gameplay Turns Cost / Experience gained.
- Attack costs 120 turns, For a successful attack you will gain 120 Experience / For an unsuccessful attack you will gain 40 Experience.
- Raid costs 15 turns, for successful raid you will gain 15 Experience / For an unsuccessful raid you will gain attack 8 Experience.
- Sabotage costs 1 turn, Randomly 0 - 2 Experience gained only for successful sabotage attempts.
- Revenge Sabotage costs 1 turn, Randomly 0 - 2 Experience gained only for successful sabotage attempts.
- Poison costs 35 turns. Experience gained from poisoning is dependent on your Upgrade level. If you have Upgrade level 0 you will receive randomly between 1 - 20 Exp, if your level is 10 random Exp given is between 10 - 20 Exp for each successful attempt.
- Theft costs 30 turns. No Experience gained.
KoC now allows you to select the color theme you would like. When you create your account or login for the first time for the era you choose what race you are going to
play and you will stay that race unless you change race. At the bottom of your Command Center you will see
Style Preferences under Vacation mode. Here you can select the theme you want to use, there are currently 25 different themes to choose from. Changing your theme can be done as many times as you like throughout the Era, it does not cost you turns or experience to do so.
KoC now allows you to select the layout you would like with each layout changing the left menu. At the bottom of your
Command Center you will see Style Preferences under Vacation mode. Here you can select the Layout you want to use, there are 3 different layouts to choose from.
- Old: Kept for nostalgia where the left navigation is as it always has been.
- New: New button images for the left navigation.
- Mixed: Smaller left menu naviagation with most used buttons now in the center of every page. (Most beneficial for mobile users as you will no longer have to move to the left menu navigation and zoom to see the buttons.)
You can change the layout as many times as you like with no cost of your turns or experience to do so. For instance if you are home on your PC/Laptop you might prefer to use the New layout but if you ever venture outside you can change to Mixed layout so the center navigations are easier to use on your mobile.
If you are ready to start playing as commander of your own army, then click here to create an account!
Quick Start Guide
In Kings of Chaos, you are in command of an army of humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, undead, trolls or goblins. To be successful, you must manage your army and defeat your enemies. You must keep your troops in top condition and recover from losses. A powerful army will be strong in all four aspects of the game: attacking, defending, spying, and sentry (counter-intelligence). This makes it important to keep your forces and efforts relatively balanced in all these areas.
There are a number of ways to build your army and thus generate more gold and build an alliance to become more powerful:
If you tell friends about Kings of Chaos, you may recruit them as your officers: give them your recruit link in your command center and have them join you.
Finally, you may buy mercenaries - soldiers that will fight for you but will not generate extra gold.
Getting Started (Creating/Activating your account)
To create an account and establish your presence in the Land of Chaos you must register an account. To do this click the "Register" link in the Menu Bar on the left, or click on one of the Join Humans/ Join Dwarves/ Join Elves/ Join Orcs/ Join Undead/ Join Trolls/ Join Goblins/ button to pick your race. You will then need to enter a username, password, email (not required upon signup although needed to retrieve your login details if you forget them) then click the recaptcha box to prove you are human and click Sign Up now. Once you've done this, you are ready to log in and command your army. Congratulations! You are now a Player in Kings of Chaos.
New Players
As a new player your account is in protection mode. You are not able to attack or be attacked by anyone in the game, you also cannot send or receive ingame messages. The protection is lifted after 5 minutes, this enables you to have a look around the game, spend your start up gold, you can also conquest to gain experience which helps in the game. Get a feel for the game during this protection mode as once the protection on your account is over that is when the fun begins.
Menu Bar
The Menu Bar contains most of the important features and tools of Kings of Chaos. Located on the left of the page, it allows you to navigate through different aspects of your army and manage your forces.
Command Center
The Command Center is where you can see a broad outline of your forces.
- Your Recruit Link is found at the top of the Command Center. This is the primary method players can use to build their alliance. Give this link to your friends to recruit them as your officers.
- User Info shows your general contact information.
- Military Overview Shows you general military stats, such as what your siege level is at and what fortifications you have. It also shows you how much gold you have and how much you are generating.
- Officers that you may have show up under this heading. Officers help build your army, and you may also choose to work with them as close allies.
- Military Effectiveness shows you your Attack, Defense, Spy, and Sentry ratings, as well as how you are ranked against other KOC players in these categories. This section shows you how well you are doing and how you stack up to other players in each aspect of the game. You can now also see the rating needed to gain a rank in each stat.
- Personnel shows you how your forces are distributed.
- Previous Logins gives you the IP addresses and times of the last five logins to your account.
- Preferences is where you go to modify the setting on your account. Be very careful in this section - many of the changes here cannot be undone.
When you wish to venture out beyond the safety of your fortifications, click the Attack button. Here, you will view the Battlefield, a listing of other players ranked near you. If you have previously reconned a player, you will see an eye in the first column which will link you to your intelligence log when clicked. The amount of gold in a player's treasury will be displayed if your Spy Rating is much larger than the opponent's Sentry Rating. You can page through the battlefield and search for other armies to attack or spy on. Once you click on a player's name you will see their User Stats, where you can see basic info about the player, any officers the player has, and you can recognize the player as friend, neutral, enemy, alliance member, or ignored if you wish to ignore all messages from them. From the User Stats panel you can choose to send a personal message, or conduct an attack, recon, sabotage or revenge sabotage mission.
- Attack Mission: To attack another player, it will cost you 120 attack turns. If successful you will gain 120 experience but if you are defended you will only gain 40 experience. If you attack successfully, you will steal a portion of the enemy's available gold based on the damage you inflicted and the relative sizes of your armies. There is also a chance that you or your opponent will suffer casualties, based on army size and damage inflicted. The actual damages/repairs are shown on your armory page and not in the attack log. The casualties are listed with mercenaries and soldiers under "your losses" and any covert (spy or sentry) losses are shown in the "details" of the attack log. You now also take Hostages while attacking, click Hostages to see what it's all about.
- When attacking a player with lower TFF, the gold steal will be between 50% - 70% of what that player is holding.
- When attacking a player with higher TFF, the gold steal will be between 80% - 100% of what that player is holding.
- Raid Mission: To raid another player it will cost you 15 attack turns and you will receive 15 experience if your raid is successful or 8 experience if defended. Raids yield less gold and cost less turns than attacks, raiding is used to inflict more damage to an account to kill spies/sentries and leave your enemy with a hefty damage bill.
- Reconnaissance Mission: You can conduct Recon missions to view info about an opponent's fortifications and forces. The chance that the mission is a success is dependant on the overall strength of the spies you send, as well as the enemy's Sentry Rating. If the mission is not a success you will no longer lose a portion of the spies you sent. There are a maximum of 30 recons permitted on a specific target per 24 hours.
- Sabotage Mission: If your opponent has overwhelming defense or has been relentlessly assaulting you, perhaps you may choose to engage in sabotage. In these missions, when you send a number of spies you specify what type and quantity weapons you want to try to sabotage. If your spies make it past enemy sentries they will attempt to sabotage part of the enemy's armory. If you attempt to sabotage too much of the enemy's armory the sabotage will likely fail, and no sabotage mission is guaranteed to be successful. If you fail in a sabotage mission, you may lose a portion of your spies and even some of the tools they carry. You are allowed a maximum of 10 successful sabotage turns against a player per 24 hours and limited to 10 attempts to achieve this. Will you succeed the maximum 10 attempts, well that is up to your spies.
- Revenge Sabotage: When a player has been sabbed to their max daily loss and they choose to sabb your account, Revenge Sabbs open up on the players attack page so you get to have 4 attempts at getting revenge on that player. You can be successful 4x only.
- Personnel and Military Effectiveness: When you are preparing to attack, you are also shown your army stats again so you can make sure you want to go through with the mission, and in the case of covert missions, how many spies you have to dedicate to the task. In general, if your opponent has a larger army TFF (total fighting force) than yours, you will steal more of their gold as a reward.
Attack Log
Here you can see details of incoming and outgoing attacks. This can be a very useful way to see how much offensive and defensive damage you do on average, who you need to try to get protection from, or what armies you have had success with in the past. In your attack log you will see Attacks on You and Attacks on Others, and you will be able to page through the attacks if there are too many to fit on one screen.
Total by You Last 24 Hours:
- Gold Stolen is what you have stolen in the last 24hrs.
- Enemy Losses is what your enemies have lost in the last 24 hrs.
- Your Losses is what you have lost in the last 24 hrs.
- Hostages Taken are the hostages you have made off with in the last 24 hrs.
Total on You Last 24 Hours:
- Gold Lost is what you have lost in the last 24hrs.
- Enemy Losses is what you killed in the last 24 hrs.
- Your Losses is what you have lost in the last 24 hrs.
- Hostages Lost are the hostages you have lost in the last 24 hrs.
Farm List
Finally, you can now add/remove players to the Farm List. Useful information will be available for you to keep an eye on those you like to attack most often.
War List
Alliances can now add targets to the War list page. Owner/Admins are now able to add/remove a player, alliance or even a whole chain from the top commander to the lowest member. Once added you can then View More Info on a player that will show Alliance stats for that player.
To help improve the skills and strength of your soldiers, you may send your soldiers on conquests against various denizens of the Kings of Chaos world.
- To begin, you quest starts with Wolves, after 15 successful conquests you will open up a new level which may require you to upgrade your Siege level in your armory to be able to attempt the new level.
- Each level will give you 75 Experience for each successful, defended conquests give you 50 up until you hit 53 attempts, where it will decrease the more conquests you undertake.
- Be warned you will incur damages to your weapons while conquesting, so make sure you keep on top of those repairs so you continue to succeed for each conquest.
- The valuable Experience you gain can be used to upgrade your economy or technology levels in the upgrades page or use it trade in the trade center.
- Oliphaunt: The final conquest only gives you experience, you DO NOT receive gold or repairs by undertaking Oliphaunt. You will always be defended only on Oliphaunt regardless of your SA. You will still receive experience for doing so.
- You may undertake the same conquest multiple times as per your requirements.
Conquest Levels
To be successful on all conquest attempts you will need at least double SA strength to each conquest opponent's strength. (This is just a guide.)
- Wolves: Siege upgrade needed - None - Reward : 10 soldiers and 75 exp for successful / 50 exp for defended.
- Halflings: Siege upgrade needed - Flaming Arrows - Reward : 10 soldiers and 75 exp for successful / 50 exp for defended.
- Gnomes: Siege upgrade needed - Ballistas - Reward : 20 soldiers and 75 exp for successful / 50 exp for defended.
- Ogres: Siege upgrade needed - Ladders - Reward : 20 soldiers and 75 exp for successful / 50 exp for defended.
- Goblins: Siege upgrade needed - Trojan Horses - Reward : 4 spiders and 75 exp for successful / 50 exp for defended.
- Wraiths: Siege upgrade needed - Catapults - Reward : 9 spiders and 75 exp for successful / 50 exp for defended.
- Giants: Siege upgrade needed - War Elephants - Reward : 41 spiders and 75 exp for successful / 50 exp for defended.
- Wizards: Siege upgrade needed - Siege Towers - Reward : 150 spiders and 75 exp for successful / 50 exp for defended.
- Fairies: Siege upgrade needed - Trebuchets - Reward : random gold and 75 exp for successful / 50 exp for defended.
- Spectres: Siege upgrade needed - Black Powder - Reward : random gold and 75 exp for successful / 50 exp for defended.
- Ghosts: Siege upgrade needed - Dynamite - Reward : random gold and 75 exp for successful / 50 exp for defended.
- Fire Giants: Siege upgrade needed - Cannons - Reward : random gold and 75 exp for successful / 50 exp for defended.
- Balrogs: Siege upgrade needed - Great Horn - Reward : random gold and 75 exp for successful / 50 exp for defended.
- Eagles: Siege upgrade needed - Fists of Thor - Reward : random gold and 75 exp for successful / 50 exp for defended.
- Basilisks: Siege upgrade needed - Ringwraiths - Reward : random gold and 75 exp for successful / 50 exp for defended.
- Krakens: Siege upgrade needed - Saurons Ring - Reward : random gold and 75 exp for successful / 50 exp for defended.
- Oliphaunts: Siege upgrade needed - Morgoth - Reward : no gold but 50 exp for defended. You will always be defended only on Oliphaunt regardless of your SA. You will still receive experience for doing so.
****Exp reduces the more conquests you do. Soldier/Weapon/Gold stop after 600 conquests per level. ****
Your Armory is where you keep track of your weapons, and keep them in fighting condition.
- Current Weapon Inventory is where you see the weapons you currently own, as well as their strengths. If your weapons are damaged, it is cheaper to repair them than to buy new ones. You can also sell weapons at a reduced rate for gold.
- Current Tool Inventory is where you see the tools for sentries and spies that you currently own. You can also sell spy and sentry tools at a reduced rate.
- Buy Weapons allows you to purchase new weapons for your forces. In general, the more expensive a weapon is, the stronger it is. Some weapons are unique to your race, while others can be bought by anyone.
- Buy Tools allows you to purchase new tools for your spies and sentries, making them much more effective.
In the Alliance section you can create your own alliance or join another player's alliance.
- Start an alliance by entering the alliance you would like to use to rule over Kings of Chaos.
- Once you have created an alliance you can give others your alliance join link which is located at the bottom of your alliance page.
- Once other players join your alliance by clicking the link you will need to approve them.
- In the alliance center you can also disband alliance, set various levels of members ie. Owner, unapprove or demote them.
- Players can now upload an alliance image they would like to use to promote their alliance. The image will appear once approved by game admins at the top of your alliance page. Admins will not approve offensive or sexually explicit images (If you do not think it will be approved then do not upload it).
- Once an alliance image has been submitted via the owner of the alliance that image will also appear on a players stats page underneath what alliances the player is a part of.
- Alliance stats are also listed underneath the alliance image.
- Personnel shows you how many soldiers, mercenaries, spies, sentries, etc you have.
- Train Your Troops allows you train your untrained soldiers to be attack or defense specialists, or to be skilled in the subterfuge of spies and sentries. Here you can also revert any attack or defense soldiers to regular units.
- Hostages can be healed on the Training page, you can also see a breakdown of how many Hostages you have taken, lost, healed.
- You can use the Training/Hostage calculator to work out the cost to train your soldiers or heal your hostages.
- Previous/Next Rank gain is now also added to this page, you can see where your stats stand against the rank below and above you.
Upgrades is where you can upgrade all aspects of your account to make it stronger.
- Upgrade Siege/Fortification levels to enhance your Attack/Defense ratings.
- Upgrade Covert Skill/Sentry Skill makes all of your Spies and Sentries more powerful - it is a very effective way to increase the power of your covert forces.
- Upgrade Poison Skill/Antidote Skill makes all of your Venomweavers more knowledgeable in the art of poisoning while increasing your Poison levels increases the ability to able to poison other players personnel while Serpentwardens help build your immune system to stop others using poison against you.
- Upgrade Theft Skill/Vigilance Skill will enable your Thieves swiftness and the stealth you will need along with upgrading Theft levels to be able to steal different types of weapons/tools. You will need to train your Rangers and increase your Vigilance upgrade levels to repel those pesky thieves and stop them from stealing your weapons/tools.
- Increase your Experience Per Minute - a most important upgrade you will need, more Experience per minute the more you can use for trading and upgrades that require Experience.
You will also find an Upgrade advisor on the Upgrade page. This will help you work out how much your stats will increase with
whatever upgrade you choose to do.
Your intelligence files are similar to your attack log, but they give you details of covert missions from and against you. Here you see details of Intercepted Intelligence Operations as well as Intelligence Files from missions you have conducted. Not all missions are intercepted and therefore you will not see everyone who has reconned you or sabotaged you. Not all recons or sabotages done by you were intercepted either, this is called "ghosting". When no missions are intercepted, that player has been "ghosted".
Players can now utilize the Trade section to trade Experience for turns, instant soldiers, commander and race changes. The trade center is subject to change and could even see additional trades added.
Kings of Chaos now has a SAFE. A percentage of your turn based gold + your economy upgrade is deposited into your SAFE, you can also upgrade to allow more to be deposited
into your SAFE. When you have the desired amount you wish to withdraw (5 Billion Max) you can withdraw it to spend on weapons, tools and upgrades. Withdrawn gold from SAFE is immediately added to your Vault so it can no longer be stolen. Race bonuses are not included in the deposited gold.
Experience Deposit has been added to the SAFE page. Here you can deposit Exp you have on hand to use towards Exp Upgrades. The Upgrades on the SAFE page can only be used via Deposited Exp.
- Increase Soldiers Upgrade, one might say the best addition to the game. Every upgrade will increase the soldiers you receive per turn.
- Upgrade Technological Development. Once you upgrade it will help your stats rise. (You can also see your what your stats will be if you upgrade your level).
- Economic Development Upgrade. This upgrade will increase your turn based gold.
- Safe Upgrade will increase the amount of gold you will receive in your safe.
Welcome to the Rewards page. You can now redeem rewards for actions you have achieved in the game.
- Completed upgrades.
- Reached a certain level Conquesting.
- Actions you undertake against others.
- Actions that have been undertaken against you.
The statistics page gives players a range of commands that can be used in the #koc-stats channel on Discord to give players information on all aspects of the game.
Recruiting is an effective way for you to build your alliance, the more officers you have the more effective your alliance will be during wars. You can use your recruit link at the top of your command center, give it to your friends, family, online buddies, that guy that stands on the street corner selling fake watches. The more people you give it to the more chances you have of luring them into being your officer. Then you can wage war on those you wish to destroy.
On the Training page you can see the details of your current troops, and
you can hire mercenaries. Mercenaries can be hired as attack
specialists, defense specialists, or all-purpose troops. Once
hired, they cannot be retrained. Mercenaries cannot be spies, and
do not contribute to the amount of gold you receive each turn, but
they do boost your attack and/or defense strength (depending on
what type of training they have). Mercenaries become available
for hire randomly and their numbers are limited so there are often
none available shortly after that. You can only have 33% of your
army consisting of mercenaries. Mercenaries are added to your total fighting force (TFF) and they have to die to lower your TFF.
Buddy List
The buddy list can be used to keep track of people who you recognize as either
neutral, friend, enemy, ignored or alliance members. You can recognize players via
the drop down on their stats page. You are allowed a maximum of 180 players per buddy type. (Hopefully that's 180 friends, not 180 enemies!)
The Logout option on the menu will log you out from Kings of Chaos.
This is useful if your computer is used by more than one person, to
prevent others from accessing your Kings of Chaos account. If you
stop using the site for a length of time, you will be automatically
logged out anyway - this is to help reduce the load on the extremely
busy KoC webserver.
The Send Message page is accessed from a user's stats page, by
clicking on the Send Message button. You are then presented with
a page which has areas for you to enter a subject and a message to
be sent to that user.
When someone has sent you a message in this fashion, you will notice
the message indicator beneath the main menu will change to show how
many new messages you have waiting for you. To read them, simply
click on the red number and you will be taken to the Read Messages
page. The most recent message will appear at the top of the page,
with older messages beneath it in reverse order of receipt. You can
use the buttons on the right to Reply to or Delete each message. You
cannot send messages to newly created accounts until their rank has
been updated to the battlefield.
Recent Logs
This box indicates when you were last attacked, sabbed, revenge sabbed, or reconned. Even if a player ghosts you the last sabbed still indicates when someone sabbed you.
Experience per turn
Players can now upgrade their EXP (Experience per turn). You can use the Experience you gain to trade for turns, soldiers, commander and race changes, SAFE upgrades, Econ upgrades and Tech upgrades.
Daily Login/Activity Bonus
Make sure you log in everyday to receive the following activity bonus.
- Day 1: 150 Experience + 150 Soldiers + 150 Turns
- Day 2: 300 Experience + 300 Soldiers + 300 Turns
- Day 3: 450 Experience + 450 Soldiers + 450 Turns
- Day 4: 600 Experience + 600 Soldiers + 600 Turns
- Day 5: 1,000 Experience + 1,000 Soldiers + 1,000 Turns
- Day 6: 1,200 Experience + 1,200 Soldiers + 1,200 Turns
- Day 7: 2,000 Experience + 2,000 Soldiers + 2,000 Turns
If you fail to login everyday your login bonus resets to Day 1. If you complete the 7 days of consecutive logins the bonus will then reset to Day 1 and start over.
You can now store information about a player for future reference in the Notes Section of a Players Stats page.
By simply typing in the notebox, you can store information, multiple notes or remove notes no longer needed. Only the player creating the notes can view/store/delete them so no one else has access to this information. Notes stored on a user will carry over from Era to Era unless you delete them or the player deletes their account.
If you are ready to start playing as commander of your own army,
then click here to create an account!
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does this cost to play?
Nothing. It's free. Kings of Chaos is completely supported by our advertisers. Enjoy!
How are rankings calculated?
All players are ranked in each of the four categories of attack strength,
defense strength, spy rating and sentry rating. These four rankings are
added to give your overall ranking.
What are the siege and fortification levels?
KoC Upgrades
What happened to all my stuff?
Era 20 has begun! At the beginning of each Era, we reset everyone's weaponry and army size to give everyone a fresh start.
Now is the time to rebuild and prove yourself
better than those around you!
Why am I losing gold and soldiers?
You are probably being attacked. Check your attack log to see who
attacked you, how many soldiers they killed and how much gold they
stole from you.
How come I'm not listed in the rankings?
Battlefield ranks are only recalculated every 5 minutes, so you will have to wait
until rankings are generated to appear on the rankings page.
Why doesn't my rank improve when I get more weapons?
Battlefield ranks are recalculated every 5 minutes, so you will have to wait
to see how your ranking has been changed by upgrades or purchases.
How are Alliance Rankings calculated?
Alliances are ranked by summing 1/(userrank+1) for every member of the alliance who has set that alliance
to be their primary alliance. Top 10 Alliances are ranked by members' overall rank, Fiercest Alliances are ranked by members' Strike Action rank, etc.
Why don't I ever kill any enemy soldiers?
The bigger your army, the more casualties you are likely to suffer.
Armies small enough will not usually suffer casualties because this
would hurt the army much more.
How do I change my race?
If you have played Kings of Chaos in a previous age, the first time you log
in you will be asked to select the race you want to play, if you want to change
your race during an era you can trade exp for a race change in the Trade center.
If you are new you will choose your race when you
I forgot my password, what should I do?
Go to this page and you can get your
password emailed to you. Check your spam folder as well as your inbox, if you are still having trouble contact a game admin.
What is the ratio for my Spies to be able to successfully recon another player?
Your Spy rating needs to be 1-3 of the player you wish to recon Sentry rating, ie. if you have 100m spy you can recon up to 300m sentry.
What is the ratio for my Spies to be able to successfully sabotage/revenge sabotage another player?
Your Spy rating needs to be 1-1.5 of the player you wish to sabotage/revenge sabotage Sentry rating. ie. if you have 100m spy you can sab up to 150m sentry.
New Player Tips
So you have found yourself in this realm of Chaos. There are certain tips and some advice you will be given from players with a wealth
of knowledge, here are some to get you started.
- After creating your account you can go to the Rewards page via the Menu bar, you can then claim your reward for creating your account. You will also see other rewards your can fullfil as you do certain tasks in the game.
- Experience per turn is the best upgrade to get, it enables to build experience to use to trade for turns or use the experience
for upgrades that require it.
- Conquest is the best way to get experience. Each level will give you experience you can use for trades and upgrades.
- When you attack another player in the game, the gold you steal goes directly into your VAULT. You can attack players and not lose the gold as it is stored in your VAULT. When you have enough gold you can then use to do upgrades on the Upgrades page via the Menu bar or you can use the VAULT gold to purchase weapons, repair your weapons or train your soldiers on the Training page.
- If you are storing gold in your VAULT for upgrades make sure you do not buy weapons/tools if you have armory presets filled as it will spend all your gold in the VAULT.
- You can increase your army size if you go to the SAFE page and upgrade your Soldiers Per Min. Make sure you deposit your Experience to do so.
- When attacking a player with lower TFF, the gold steal will be between 50% - 70% of what that player is holding. When attacking a player with higher TFF, the gold steal will be between 80% - 100% of what that player is holding. So if you want to hit for higher gold make sure the player you attack has a higher army than your own.
#koc-stats bot on Discord: Information on a channel on Discord available to all players. All commands are listed on the
Statistics page ingame.
Alliance: Multiple players working together for a common goal, or just to have fun.
You can find a list of alliances on the Kings of Chaos forums.
Armory: The place to purchase weapons.
Army Size: The number of recruits you have determines the amount of money you get each
AAT: The amount of weapons/tools that can be destroyed by a successful sabotage/revenge sabotage.
Attack: To attack someone, you use 120 attack turns. These attack turns are replaced at the rate of one turn
every minute, with 1440 turns available per 24 hours.You may store up to 20000 attack turns.
Attack Log: A log of everyone who you have attacked recently,
and anyone who has attacked you recently.
Attack Turns: Attack turns are one of the crucial resources in the game. You use attack turns to pillage other
armies and take their gold. To attack someone, you use 120 attack turns. These attack turns are replaced at the rate of one turn every minute, with 1440 turns available per 24 hours. You may store up to 20000 attack turns. You can also use your attack turns to raid someone, you will not receive as much gold as a normal attack.
Battlefield (BF): The Attack button in the Menu Bar on the left side of the page takes you to the Battlefield,
a listing of other players ranked near you. If you have previously reconned a player, you will see an eye in the first column that will link you to your intelligence log when clicked. The amount of gold in a player's treasury will be displayed if your Spy Rating is much larger than the opponent's Sentry Rating. You can page through the battlefield and search for other targets.
Battlefield Policy (BP): Unwritten rule alliances like to enforce on players. Mainly consists of:- "Do not hit me for x amount
of TBG or you will be told off, reported for shit hitting, approved for alliance sabbs/masses". Your choice to abide by it or not, it is not KoC Law.
Blackpowder Missle (BPM): Currently the strongest attack weapon.
Buddy List Icons: Left side of your battlefield shows your buddy list icons. Your commander, officers, sub officers, alliance members, farm list targets, and those you have reconned will also show an icon.
Farm List |
War List |
Maxed By You |
RevMaxed By You |
Maxed Daily |
Recon |
Friend |
Enemy |
Ignored |
Rogue |
Alliance |
Commander |
Officer |
Sub Officer |
CAPTCHA: Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. The random images used to deter cheating.
Casualties: Normal losses suffered in the course of attacking
and defending. If your army is not very big, you will probably not
suffer very many casualties, if any.
Clan: See Alliance
Commander: The person whose page you visited before joining,
possibly the person who told you about Kings of Chaos.
Command Center: Clicking here allows you to view your own
stats, including stats that are not available to everyone else.
Defensive Action (DA): The total defending power of your army. Based on your trained defense soldiers,
untrained soldiers, mercenaries, their weapons, your Fortification upgrade and your Technological Development upgrade.
Dwarves: One of the races in Kings of Chaos. Dwarves get: 10% Income Bonus, 40% Defense Bonus, 10% Spy Bonus, 10% Theft Bonus.
Elves: One of the races in Kings of Chaos. Elves get: 10% Income
Bonus, 35% Spy Bonus, 15% Theft Bonus, 10% Poison Bonus.
Era: The length of the round, which varies but usually lasts roughly three to four months.
Between eras, your army size, wealth, weapons, and race will be
reset, giving you a chance to change races. You will, however, get
to keep your officers.
Experience: You can gain experience (exp) in many ways. You can gain experience from conquesting, a successful attack
(120 exp per attack), defended (10 exp per attack), a successful raid (25 exp per raid), a defended raid (15 exp per raid. Also successful sabotage/revenge sabotage (random exp given) or via upgrading your Experience per turn. Experience can also be traded for turns and used for upgrades.
Experience Cap: Experience is now capped at 30,000. Once your cap is reached your Experience Per Turn is automatically deposited into
the Experience Safe. Experience gained from attacking/raids/sabotage/revenge sabotage does not count towards the cap. Only Experience Per Turn is capped.
Experience Safe: The Safe page has the option to deposit experience into a bank so that you can save up to upgrade SPM, Tech, Econ and
Safe. Experience left in your Safe after completeing your upgrades cannot be used, so best to keep on top of how much you deposit.
Fortifications: These contribute to the strength of all your
defense troops and weaponry. The basic fortification is "Camp" -
they can be upgraded in the Upgrades page.
Goblins: One of the races in Kings of Chaos. Goblins get; 10% Income Bonus, 25% Poison Bonus, 20% Vigilance Bonus, 15% Hostage Bonus.
Ghosted/ghosting: Sabotage/revenge sabotage or recon missions that are successful and were not intercepted so that the player who was sabotaged/revenge sabotaged or reconned has no knowledge or record of the mission.
Gold: The basic monetary unit of Kings of Chaos. Spend gold at
the Armory to purchase weapons.
Hospital: Poisoned personnel if not killed will be sent to hospital where you will have to sacrifice your Serpentwardens personnel to heal them or let them die.
Hostages: While attacking you take hostages from the enemy. Hostages need to be healed if you want them to become
part of your untrained army. You need to heal them on the Training page. If you do not heal them a % will die every Sunday.
Humans: One of the races in Kings of Chaos. Humans get: 10% Income Bonus, 30% Attack Bonus, 20% Sentry Bonus, 10% Poison Bonus.
Intelligence: A list of other players whom you have spied, sabotaged or revenge sabotaged,
or from whom you have intercepted spies. NOTE: Not all missions are intercepted. As they are not recorded, they are called "ghosted".
Invisibility Shield (IS) Currently the strongest defensive weapon.
Losses: See Casualties
Lost Weapon Log: Gives you the ability to see what weapons/tools you have lost to sabotage/revenge sabotage. The lost weapons
log is availble for viewing in your armory.
Low Hit: A hit that players will complain about if they deem the hit you made lower than what they think they can hold.
It is up to you to work out what is a good hit for you, although could lead to someone becoming upset.
Officer: One of the people who visited your link and decided
to join up. They help build your army.
Orc: One of the races in Kings of Chaos. Orcs get: 10% Income Bonus, 30% Attack Bonus, 20% Antidote Bonus, 10% Spy Bonus.
Player: A player in Kings of Chaos.
Poison: To poison someone, you use 35 attack turns. You can poison any player 10 per 24hrs with each upgrade level allowing you to poison different personnel. Some of the personnel you inflict with poison can be hospitalized and are removed from the targets total tff until healed.
Purchases: Everytime you purchase a weapon/tool you can see it in your armory.
Profile: An in-depth description of a player, showing stats useful to know when deciding when to attack them..
Protection Mode: When your account has just been created or comes out of vacation mode, you must wait until
you are ranked before you can attack anyone. This takes 15 minutes. Your account cannot be attacked within this time frame and will remain hidden on the battlefield.
Race: The type of player someone is. There are seven races:
Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Undead, Orcs, Trolls and Goblins.
Raid: Used to deal damage to a player via soldiers/spies and sentries losses. Raids cost 15 turns and give 15 exp when successful/8 exp when defended.
Rank: Rank shows how well you are doing compared to all other armies in Kings of Chaos. Your rank is computed
by adding your Strike Action, Defensive Action, Spy Rating, and Covert Rating. The person with the smallest sum will be ranked first, next smallest is second, etc. To achieve a high rank you must have good ratings in all four areas of the game.
Ranger/Rangers: Personnel used to stop the injustice of those trying to steal from you.
Recent Logs: This box indicates when you were last attacked, sabbed, or reconned. Even if a player ghosts you the last sabbed still indicates when someone sabbed you.
Reconnaissance (Recon): Using spies to learn about another player's personnel, weapons, and military effectiveness.
Recruit Link: Used to recruit players from outside in the real world.
Revenge Sabbs: When a player has been sabbed to their max daily loss and they choose to sabb your account, Revenge Sabbs open
up on the players attack page so you get to have 4 attempts at getting revenge on that player. You can be successful 4x only.
Rogue: Made up word by alliances to describe someone who loves to sabb.
Sabotage/Sabbed: Using spies to remove another player's weapons so they cannot be used in combat.
All weapons or tools that have been successfully sabotaged are removed from your armory immediately.
Sabotage Experience/Gold Stolen: During each sabotage mission you are able to gain Experience and steal 5% of a players
gold they are holding.
- To gain Experience and Gold you must Sabotage/Revenge Sabotage over 100m value of whatever Weapon/Tool you are attempting to Sabotage.
- For example 100 - 1,000 Strength Weapons/Tools, 223 - 600 Strength Weapons/Tools so on. It is up to you to work out the amount
needed to Sabotage/Revenge Sabotage.
Sentry Rating: The strength of your counter-espionage forces. Based on the number of sentries in your army, your sentry level and tools
that are held and your Technological Development upgrade.
Siege Technology: This contributes to the overall strength
of all your attack troops and weaponry. The basic is "None" - it
can be upgraded in the Upgrades page.
Soldiers Per Minute: With the Recruiter removed from the game Soldiers Per Minute has been added. In the Upgrades page you can upgrade your SPM using gold to receive the level of soldiers you have added to your untrained every turn.
Spy Rating: The strength of your espionage forces. Based on the number of spies in your army, your spy level, tools that are held
and your Technological Development upgrade.
Spy Skill/Spy Level: The skill level of each individual spy and sentry in your army. Upgrading strengthens
all of your spies and sentries.
Stacker: Formally known as a sell account for mains, but no longer as all attacks now go directly to your vault. You can no longer stack gold from attacks for other players.
Stats Link: Can be found by clicking yourself on the attack page (battlefield or BF) and checking
in the address bar of your browser.
Strike Action (SA): The total offensive power of your army. Based on your trained attack soldiers,
untrained soldiers, mercenaries, their weapons, Siege Technology upgrade and your Technological Development upgrade.
Subofficer: One of your officers' officers, or their officer, etc.
TimeStamp: TimeStamps have been added to attack and sabotage/revenge sabotage logs, you will now see year, month, date, hours, minutes, seconds of when you were attacked/sabbed.
Theft: To steal from another player you use 30 turns with 10 attempts per 24hrs. Currently only weapons/tools can be stolen from other players.
Thief/Thieves: Personnel that you can train to steal weapons/tools from other players.
Tool: Purchasing tools increases the effectiveness of your spies or sentries. You can buy tools in the Armory.
Total Fighting Force: The total number of your trained and untrained soldiers, plus any mercenaries you may have.
Trolls: One of the races in Kings of Chaos. Trolls get: 10% Income Bonus, 30% Theft Bonus, 20% Casualty Bonus, 10% Attack Bonus.
Turn: The basic unit of time in Kings of Chaos. Currently you receive 1 attack turn every minute.
Turn Based Gold (TBG): The gold you get each turn. Your TBG is based on how many soldiers are in your army,
with certain races getting income bonuses. Soldiers contribute most to your TBG. Spies and sentries contribute less to your TBG. Mercenaries do not contribute towards TBG.
Undead: One of the races in Kings of Chaos. Undead get: 10% Income Bonus, 30% Sentry Bonus, 20% Hostage Bonus, 10% Defense Bonus.
Unique Link / Unique ID: The link used to recruit players to join as your officer to increase your alliance.
Vacation Mode (vmode): An option to deactivate (suspend) your account for a length of time (minimum 3 days).
Useful if you are going on a long trip and won't be able to play KoC during that time. Once you are in vacation mode you must wait until the time has elapsed before playing, so be careful. You receive no TBG (turn based gold) or attack turns while in vacation mode, your account receives nothing at all. When your account comes out of vacation mode, you cannot be attacked or raided, once ranked you are fair game. After your initial vacation mode is over you cannot place your account back into vacation mode until your account has been active for the same amount of time your account was in vacation mode. Vacation mode access is now locked for 24hrs after performing a raid, sabotage, poison or theft action against another player.
Vault: When selling your armory/individual weapons, 100% of the total will go into your Vault automatically. You can then use that vault gold for buying weapons/tools, repairing weapons and upgrades. When buying weapons/tools/repairing/upgrading your vault gold is used first then your available funds. (see Vault)
Weapons: Offensive or defensive equipment for soldiers in your army. Attack weapons are only used when you attack,
defense weapons are only used when you defend. You can only use as many weapons as you have soldiers, and you can buy weapons
in the Armory. Your soldiers are not very effective without weapons.
Still have questions? If you have a question that wasn't answered in this guide, try heading over to the
Kings of Chaos forum or the Kings of Chaos Discord server via the "chat" link at the top of every KoC page).
KoC Upgrades |
Siege |
Level |
Name |
Cost Gold |
Cumulative Gold |
0 |
No Such Level |
0 |
0 |
1 |
Flaming Arrow |
50,000 |
50,000 |
2 |
Ballista |
100,000 |
150,000 |
3 |
Battering Ram |
200,000 |
350,000 |
4 |
Ladders |
400,000 |
750,000 |
5 |
Trojan Horse |
800,000 |
1,550,000 |
6 |
Catapults |
1,600,000 |
3,150,000 |
7 |
War Elephants |
3,200,000 |
6,350,000 |
8 |
Siege Towers |
6,400,000 |
12,750,000 |
9 |
Trebuchets |
12,800,000 |
25,550,000 |
10 |
Black Powder |
25,600,000 |
51,150,000 |
11 |
Sappers |
51,200,000 |
102,350,000 |
12 |
Dynamite |
102,400,000 |
204,750,000 |
13 |
Greek Fire |
204,800,000 |
409,550,000 |
14 |
Cannons |
409,600,000 |
819,150,000 |
15 |
Great Horn |
819,200,000 |
1,638,350,000 |
16 |
Fists of Thor |
1,638,400,000 |
3,276,750,000 |
17 |
Ringwraiths |
3,276,800,000 |
6,553,550,000 |
18 |
Saurons Ring |
6,553,600,000 |
13,107,150,000 |
19 |
Morgoth |
13,107,200,000 |
26,214,350,000 |
Covert Skill |
Level |
Name |
Cost Gold |
Cumulative Gold |
1 |
Peeping Tom |
17,500 |
17,500 |
2 |
Scout |
35,000 |
52,500 |
3 |
Informer |
70,000 |
122,500 |
4 |
Operative |
140,000 |
262,500 |
5 |
Slueth |
280,000 |
542,500 |
6 |
Snoop |
560,000 |
1,102,500 |
7 |
Counterspy |
1,120,000 |
2,222,500 |
8 |
Observer |
2,240,000 |
4,462,500 |
9 |
Mole |
4,480,000 |
8,942,500 |
10 |
Raven |
8,960,000 |
17,902,500 |
11 |
Bagman |
17,920,000 |
35,822,500 |
12 |
Watcher |
35,840,000 |
71,622,500 |
13 |
Agent |
71,680,000 |
143,342,500 |
14 |
Intelligence |
143,360,000 |
286,702,500 |
15 |
James Bond |
286,720,000 |
573,422,500 |
16 |
All Seeing Eye |
573,440,000 |
1,146,862,500 |
17 |
Eye of Sight |
1,146,880,000 |
2,293,742,500 |
18 |
Eagle Eye |
2,293,760,000 |
4,587,502,500 |
19 |
One Eyed Pirate |
4,587,520,000 |
9,175,022,500 |
20 |
George Love |
9,175,040,000 |
18,350,062,500 |
Poison Skill |
Level |
Name |
Cost Gold |
Cumulative Gold |
1 |
Venomous Tincture |
1,000,000,000 |
1,000,000,000 |
2 |
Serpentblood Elixir |
2,000,000,000 |
3,000,000,000 |
3 |
Banebane Draught |
3,000,000,000 |
6,000,000,000 |
4 |
Wyrmfire Serum |
4,000,000,000 |
10,000,000,000 |
5 |
Dreadfang Elixir |
5,000,000,000 |
15,000,000,000 |
6 |
Viper Vein Vial |
6,000,000,000 |
21,000,000,000 |
7 |
Miasmic Venom Concoction |
7,000,000,000 |
28,000,000,000 |
8 |
Noxious Nectar Brew |
8,000,000,000 |
36,000,000,000 |
9 |
Corrosive Cobra Elixir |
9,000,000,000 |
45,000,000,000 |
10 |
Plaguebearer Potion |
10,000,000,000 |
55,000,000,000 |
Theft Skill |
Level |
Name |
Cost Gold |
Cumulative Gold |
1 |
Shroud of Mist |
1,500,000,000 |
1,500,000,000 |
2 |
Veil of Twilight |
3,000,000,000 |
4,500,000,000 |
3 |
Eclipse Cloak |
4,500,000,000 |
9,000,000,000 |
4 |
Nightshade Mastery |
6,000,000,000 |
15,000,000,000 |
Economic Development |
Level |
Name |
EXP Cost |
Cumulative EXP |
Gold Per Turn |
+ 10% Income Bonus |
0 |
None |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
Hunting |
75 |
75 |
400 |
440 |
2 |
Farming |
150 |
225 |
1,000 |
1,100 |
3 |
Fishing |
300 |
525 |
2,600 |
2,860 |
4 |
Mining |
600 |
1,125 |
6,200 |
6,820 |
5 |
Construction |
1,200 |
2,325 |
15,600 |
17,160 |
6 |
SpiceTrade |
2,400 |
4,725 |
39,000 |
42,900 |
7 |
Feudal |
4,800 |
9,525 |
97,600 |
107,360 |
8 |
Trade |
6,000 |
15,525 |
163,013 |
179,314 |
9 |
Exploration |
7,200 |
22,725 |
244,200 |
246,620 |
10 |
Masonry |
10,200 |
32,925 |
411,563 |
452,719 |
11 |
Imperial |
13,200 |
46,125 |
610,400 |
671,440 |
12 |
Urbanization |
17,500 |
63,625 |
1,081,625 |
1,189,787 |
13 |
Mercantile |
22,300 |
85,925 |
1,525,800 |
1,678,380 |
14 |
PortTrade |
32,550 |
118,475 |
2,525,000 |
2,777,500 |
15 |
Plantation |
42,330 |
160,805 |
3,814,600 |
4,196,060 |
16 |
Manufacturing |
62,875 |
223,680 |
6,000,000 |
6,600,000 |
17 |
Industrial |
83,445 |
307,125 |
9,536,800 |
10,490,480 |
Technological Development |
Level |
Name |
EXP Cost |
Cumulative EXP |
Multiplier |
0 |
None |
0 |
0 |
1.00x |
1 |
Spear |
300 |
300 |
1.05x |
2 |
Fire |
350 |
650 |
1.10x |
3 |
Oven |
400 |
1050 |
1.16x |
4 |
Pottery |
460 |
1,510 |
1.22x |
5 |
Domestication |
520 |
2,030 |
1.28x |
6 |
Copper |
600 |
2,630 |
1.34x |
7 |
Wheel |
690 |
3,320 |
1.41x |
8 |
Writing |
800 |
4,120 |
1.48x |
9 |
Bronze |
920 |
5,040 |
1.55x |
10 |
Irrigation |
1,060 |
6,100 |
1.63x |
11 |
Woodworking |
1,210 |
7,310 |
1.71x |
12 |
Archery |
1,400 |
8,170 |
1.80x |
13 |
Salt |
1,610 |
10,320 |
1.89x |
14 |
Sailing |
1,850 |
12,170 |
1.98x |
15 |
Masonry |
2,120 |
14,290 |
2.08x |
16 |
Forum |
2,440 |
16,730 |
2.18x |
17 |
Furnace |
2,810 |
19,540 |
2.29x |
18 |
Ironworking |
3,230 |
22,770 |
2.41x |
19 |
Library |
3,710 |
26,480 |
2.53x |
20 |
Medicine |
4,270 |
30,750 |
2.65x |
21 |
Timekeeping |
4,910 |
35,660 |
2.79x |
22 |
Market |
5,650 |
41,310 |
2.93x |
23 |
Monastery |
6,490 |
47,800 |
3.07x |
24 |
Windmill |
7,470 |
55,270 |
3.23x |
25 |
Printing |
8,590 |
63,860 |
3.39x |
26 |
Civil Code |
9,880 |
73,740 |
3.56x |
27 |
Shipbulding |
11,360 |
85,100 |
3.73x |
28 |
Astronomy |
13,060 |
98,160 |
3.92x |
29 |
Chemistry |
15,020 |
113,180 |
4.12x |
30 |
Gunpowder |
17,270 |
130,450 |
4.32x |
31 |
Economics |
19,860 |
150,310 |
4.54x |
32 |
Cotton Gin |
22,840 |
173,150 |
4.76x |
33 |
Ballistics |
26,270 |
199,420 |
5.00x |
34 |
Metallurgy |
30,210 |
229,630 |
5.25x |
35 |
Laboratory |
34,740 |
264,370 |
5.52x |
36 |
Mechanics |
39,950 |
304,320 |
5.79x |
37 |
Textiles |
45,950 |
350,270 |
6.08x |
38 |
Thermodynamics |
52,840 |
403,110 |
6.39x |
39 |
Steam Engine |
60,760 |
463,870 |
6.70x |
40 |
Assembly Line |
69,880 |
533,750 |
7.04x |
41 |
Electricity |
80,360 |
614,110 |
7.39x |
42 |
Cooking |
92,410 |
706,520 |
7.76x |
43 |
Obi Bon Kenobi |
106,270 |
812,790 |
8.15x |
Increase Experience |
Level |
Name |
EXP Gain |
Cost Gold |
Cumulative Gold |
1 |
Rolz Leaky Shed |
1x EXP |
You start with this doofus |
0 |
2 |
Homemade laboratory |
2x EXP |
200,000,000 |
200,000,000 |
3 |
University Chemistry Lab |
3x EXP |
550,000,000 |
750,000,000 |
4 |
Global Research Network |
4x EXP |
800,000,000 |
1,550,000,000 |
5 |
Heisenberg Breaks Bad |
5x EXP |
1,000,000,000 |
2,550,000,000 |
6 |
Quantum Mechanics Institute |
6x EXP |
2,000,000,000 |
4,550,000,000 |
Fortification |
Level |
Name |
Cost Gold |
Cumulative Gold |
0 |
Camp |
0 |
0 |
1 |
Stockade |
50,000 |
50,000 |
2 |
Rabid Pitbulls |
100,000 |
150,000 |
3 |
Walled Town |
200,000 |
350,000 |
4 |
Towers |
400,000 |
750,000 |
5 |
Battlements |
800,000 |
1,550,000 |
6 |
Portcullis |
1,600,000 |
3,150,000 |
7 |
Boiling Oil |
3,200,000 |
6,350,000 |
8 |
Trenches |
6,400,000 |
12,750,000 |
9 |
Moat |
12,800,000 |
25,550,000 |
10 |
Drawbridge |
25,600,000 |
51,150,000 |
11 |
Fortress |
51,200,000 |
102,350,000 |
12 |
Stronghold |
102,400,000 |
204,750,000 |
13 |
Palace |
204,800,000 |
409,550,000 |
14 |
Keep |
409,600,000 |
819,150,000 |
15 |
Citadel |
819,200,000 |
1,638,350,000 |
16 |
Hand of God |
1,638,400,000 |
3,276,750,000 |
17 |
Gate of Hell |
3,276,800,000 |
6,553,550,000 |
18 |
Titans Shield |
6,553,600,000 |
13,107,150,000 |
19 |
Hancock |
13,107,200,000 |
26,214,350,000 |
Sentry Skill |
Level |
Name |
Cost Gold |
Cumulative Gold |
1 |
Barbed Wire |
17,500 |
17,500 |
2 |
Pit & Spikes |
35,000 |
52,500 |
3 |
Traps |
70,000 |
122,500 |
4 |
Trip Wire |
140,000 |
262,500 |
5 |
Hidey Hole |
280,000 |
542,500 |
6 |
Guard Dogs |
560,000 |
1,102,500 |
7 |
Lookouts |
1,120,000 |
2,222,500 |
8 |
Sentry Pavilion |
2,240,000 |
4,462,500 |
9 |
Shield Wall |
4,480,000 |
8,942,500 |
10 |
Wolfhound |
8,960,000 |
17,902,500 |
11 |
Tracking Tactics |
17,920,000 |
35,822,500 |
12 |
Traps XXI |
35,840,000 |
71,622,500 |
13 |
Coffee |
71,680,000 |
143,342,500 |
14 |
Mystical Eyepatch |
143,360,000 |
286,702,500 |
15 |
Lavastines Hounds |
286,720,000 |
573,422,500 |
16 |
Thou Shalt Not Be Named |
573,440,000 |
1,146,862,500 |
17 |
Defias Brotherhood |
1,146,880,000 |
2,293,742,500 |
18 |
Mystical Seer Tower |
2,293,760,000 |
4,587,502,500 |
19 |
Shiver Me Timbers |
4,587,520,000 |
9,175,022,500 |
20 |
UnABooner |
9,175,040,000 |
18,350,062,500 |
Antidote Skill |
Level |
Name |
Cost |
Cumulative Gold |
1 |
Ward of the Adder |
1,000,000,000 |
1,000,000,000 |
2 |
Venomward Sentinel |
2,000,000,000 |
3,000,000,000 |
3 |
Serpentbane Warding |
3,000,000,000 |
6,000,000,000 |
4 |
Wyrmguard Vigil |
4,000,000,000 |
10,000,000,000 |
5 |
Basiliskbane Aegis |
5,000,000,000 |
15,000,000,000 |
6 |
Naga Nullification Barrier |
6,000,000,000 |
21,000,000,000 |
7 |
Toxicbane Shielding Ward |
7,000,000,000 |
28,000,000,000 |
8 |
Venomfang Wardenship |
8,000,000,000 |
36,000,000,000 |
9 |
Manticore Miasma Ward |
9,000,000,000 |
45,000,000,000 |
10 |
Hydra Hexbane Citadel |
10,000,000,000 |
55,000,000,000 |
Vigilance Skill |
Level |
Name |
Cost Gold |
Cumulative Gold |
1 |
Watchful Eye |
1,500,000,000 |
1,500,000,000 |
2 |
Stalwart Guardian |
3,000,000,000 |
4,500,000,000 |
3 |
Vigilant Sentinel |
4,500,000,000 |
9,000,000,000 |
4 |
Unyielding Protector |
6,000,000,000 |
15,000,000,000 |
Safe Upgrade |
Level |
Name |
Percentage |
Cost EXP |
Cumulative EXP |
1 |
Old Mattress |
5% |
Initial Level |
0 |
2 |
Dirty Sock |
10% |
5,000 |
5,000 |
3 |
Tin Can |
15% |
7,500 |
12,500 |
4 |
Vault |
20% |
17,500 |
30,000 |
5 |
Armored Vehicle |
25% |
25,000 |
55,000 |
6 |
Fort Knox |
30% |
40,000 |
95,000 |
7 |
Under Bon's Bed |
40% |
50,000 |
145,000 |
Soldier Per Turn |
Level |
Name |
Cost EXP |
Cumulative EXP |
Soldier per turn |
Soldier per 24hrs |
1 |
Unborn Infantry |
0 |
0 |
2 |
2,880 |
2 |
Wee Laddies Of The Ish |
225 |
225 |
3 |
4,320 |
3 |
Dads Army |
412 |
637 |
4 |
5,760 |
4 |
Lets build An Army |
450 |
1,087 |
5 |
7,200 |
5 |
Call To Arms |
487 |
1,574 |
6 |
8,640 |
6 |
Hobbits From Underhill |
525 |
2,099 |
7 |
10,080 |
7 |
Lord of the Draft |
562 |
2,661 |
8 |
11,520 |
8 |
The Blood Bandits |
600 |
3,261 |
9 |
12,960 |
9 |
The Doom Squad |
675 |
3,936 |
10 |
14,400 |
10 |
Hallowed Horde |
750 |
4,686 |
11 |
15,840 |
11 |
The Death Squadron |
975 |
5,661 |
12 |
17,280 |
12 |
The Culling Cavalry |
1050 |
6,711 |
13 |
18,720 |
13 |
Forgotten Soldiers |
1125 |
7,836 |
14 |
20,160 |
14 |
Crimson Curators |
1200 |
9,036 |
15 |
21,600 |
15 |
The Forgotten Battalion |
1275 |
10,311 |
16 |
23,040 |
16 |
The Orcan Swarm |
1350 |
11,661 |
17 |
24,480 |
17 |
The Hopeless |
1425 |
13,086 |
18 |
25,920 |
18 |
Venom Troops |
1500 |
14,586 |
19 |
27,360 |
19 |
The Red Regiment |
1575 |
16,161 |
20 |
28,800 |
20 |
Peace Bringers |
1800 |
17,961 |
21 |
30,240 |
21 |
The Doomed Ones |
1875 |
19,836 |
22 |
31,680 |
22 |
The Sentinels |
1950 |
21,786 |
23 |
33,120 |
23 |
The Swarm |
2025 |
23,811 |
24 |
34,560 |
24 |
The Rangers |
2100 |
25,911 |
25 |
36,000 |
25 |
The Immortals |
2250 |
28,161 |
26 |
37,440 |
26 |
Broken Brigade |
2550 |
30,711 |
27 |
38,880 |
27 |
The Ruthless Humans |
2700 |
33,411 |
28 |
40,320 |
28 |
The Fire Troops |
2850 |
36,261 |
29 |
41,760 |
29 |
Forsaken Undead |
3000 |
39,261 |
30 |
43,200 |
30 |
The Crimson Keepers |
3150 |
42,411 |
31 |
44,640 |
31 |
Ruthless Ravagers |
3450 |
45,861 |
32 |
46,080 |
32 |
Death Formation |
3600 |
49,461 |
33 |
47,520 |
33 |
Ruby Riders |
3750 |
53,211 |
34 |
48,960 |
34 |
War Machine |
3900 |
57,111 |
35 |
50,400 |
35 |
Army Of Darkness |
4050 |
61,161 |
36 |
51,840 |
36 |
The Demandalorian |
4200 |
65,361 |
37 |
53,280 |
37 |
The Forsaken Army |
4350 |
69,711 |
38 |
54,720 |
38 |
The Death Corps |
4500 |
74,211 |
39 |
56,160 |
39 |
Prime Preservers |
4650 |
78,861 |
40 |
57,600 |
40 |
Death Division |
5100 |
83,961 |
41 |
59,040 |
41 |
The Supreme Commanders |
5400 |
89,361 |
42 |
60,480 |
42 |
Elves Of Rivendell |
5550 |
94,911 |
43 |
61,920 |
43 |
The Super Soldiers |
5700 |
100,611 |
44 |
63,360 |
44 |
The Invincibles |
5850 |
106,461 |
45 |
64,800 |
45 |
The Hellfire Legion |
6000 |
112,461 |
46 |
66,240 |
46 |
Release The Kraken |
6150 |
118,611 |
47 |
67,680 |
47 |
Flaming Hell Army |
6300 |
124,911 |
48 |
69,120 |
48 |
The New Order |
6450 |
131,361 |
49 |
70,560 |
49 |
Forest Of Ents |
6600 |
137,961 |
50 |
72,000 |
50 |
Clone Army |
6750 |
144,711 |
51 |
73,440 |
51 |
Muddy Peasants |
6900 |
151,611 |
52 |
74,880 |
52 |
Turnip Tossers |
7050 |
158,661 |
53 |
76,320 |
53 |
Chicken Chasers |
7200 |
165,861 |
54 |
77,760 |
54 |
Fumbling Footmen |
7350 |
173,211 |
55 |
79,200 |
55 |
Mutton Munchers |
7500 |
180,711 |
56 |
80,640 |
56 |
Cowardly Squires |
7650 |
188,361 |
57 |
82,080 |
57 |
Grumpy Guards |
7800 |
196,161 |
58 |
83,520 |
58 |
The Sneezing Archers |
7950 |
204,111 |
59 |
84,960 |
59 |
Sir Farts-a-Lot |
8100 |
212,211 |
60 |
86,400 |
60 |
Tipsy Swordmasters |
8250 |
220,461 |
61 |
87,840 |
61 |
Bumbling Bowmen |
8400 |
228,861 |
62 |
89,280 |
62 |
Butterfingered Bandits |
8550 |
237,411 |
63 |
90,720 |
63 |
Bumbling Berserkers |
8700 |
246,111 |
64 |
92,160 |
64 |
Barrel Bellies |
8800 |
254,911 |
65 |
93,600 |
65 |
Wobbly Wizards |
8950 |
263,861 |
66 |
95,040 |
66 |
Goblin Ticklers |
9000 |
272,861 |
67 |
96,480 |
67 |
Oafish Ogres |
9250 |
282,111 |
68 |
97,920 |
68 |
RLs OOC funhouse |
9500 |
291,611 |
69 |
99,360 |
69 |
Anyway Up 69 |
10000 |
301,611 |
70 |
100,800 |
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