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One does not simply set a timer to end the era.

Previous Shame Lists
Era 9 Era 10 Era 11 Era 12 Era 13 Era 14 Era 14v2
Era 15 Era 16 Era 17 Era 18 Era 19 Era 20
Era 10 Shame List
Alliance Total Alliance Total Alliance Total
PhoenixRising 04 FFLOP | GLADS 04 LaCN 02
RelentlessLegacy 02 Cerberus 01 niTe 01
Total Bans 56 Others 42 Inactives N/A
Players banned with ** linked to Alliance listed.
Time Username Offense Alliance
2021-10-30 22:55:53 Frantiks Using KoC Account for Monetary Gain Is Not Allowed None
2021-10-30 22:55:53 DogeGod Using KoC Account for Monetary Gain Is Not Allowed None
2021-10-30 22:55:53 Uberduckie Selling for Monetary Gain Is Not Allowed None
2021-10-29 07:22:07 Tanders Multiple Account Use None
2021-10-29 07:22:07 Geordie4eva Multiple Account Use None
2021-08-28 13:30:26 phobos Automated Tools/Autobuyer None
2021-08-14 06:07:19 human_king Automated Tools/Autobuyer FFLOP | GLADS
2021-08-14 06:07:19 random123 Multiple Account Use None
2021-08-14 06:07:19 shawn_spencer Multiple Account Use None
2021-08-03 21:30:59 iron_shogun Illegal Proxy/VPN None
2021-08-03 21:30:59 Eowyn Illegal Proxy/VPN None
2021-08-03 21:30:59 zanika Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-08-03 21:30:59 Ankur Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-08-03 21:30:59 Femmby Multiple Account Use None
2021-08-03 21:30:59 Kawaii Multiple Account Use None
2021-08-03 21:30:59 RFA32 Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-08-03 21:30:59 guster Illegal Proxy/VPN None
2021-08-03 21:30:59 psych Illegal Proxy/VPN None
2021-08-03 21:30:59 mr-t Illegal Proxy/VPN None
2021-08-03 21:30:59 IAmVishnu Illegal Proxy/VPN None
2021-07-09 01:59:43 Alesalad Automated Tools/Autobuyer FFLOP | GLADS
2021-07-09 01:59:43 Death Multiple Account Use None
2021-07-09 01:59:43 DeathReaper Multiple Account Use None
2021-07-09 01:59:43 AresAthena Multiple Account Use RelentlessLegacy
2021-07-04 06:03:17 mlm-Emunah Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-07-04 06:03:17 Emunah Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-07-04 06:03:17 ForMyBuddy Illegal Proxy/VPN None
2021-07-04 06:03:17 ibettergetpaid Illegal Proxy/VPN None
2021-06-26 17:11:00 BBGambini Multiple accounts/Attacking Accounts On Same IP Via Mobile PhoenixRising
2021-06-26 17:11:00 Baby_Poopsie Multiple accounts/Attacking Accounts On Same IP Via Mobile PhoenixRising
2021-06-26 17:11:00 Layzie Multiple accounts/Attacking Accounts On Same IP Via Mobile PhoenixRising
2021-06-26 17:11:00 octane Multiple accounts/Attacking Accounts On Same IP Via Mobile PhoenixRising
2021-06-26 17:11:00 dnaland5 Multiple Account Use None
2021-06-26 17:11:00 rickandmorty Multiple Account Use None
2021-06-26 17:11:00 mango Multiple Account Use Relentless Legacy
2021-06-26 11:22:09 ForeverAlone Automated Tools/Autobuyer La Cosa Nostra
2021-06-19 02:19:05 Arthanidas Automated Tools/Autobuyer Cerberus
2021-06-18 13:15:57 altqqpewpew Automated Tools/Autobuyer FFLOP | GLADS
2021-06-15 03:36:45 Peter_Wenning Automated Tools/Autobuyer DEMK
2021-06-14 01:01:59 OopsIdidItAgain Automated Tools/Autobuyer None
2021-06-13 23:53:37 Gleist Automated Tools/Autobuyer niTe
2021-06-13 21:22:53 Era_PoL Automated Tools/Autobuyer None
2021-06-13 03:34:52 zappo Automated Tools/Autobuyer LaCN
2021-06-08 18:55:48 plaguemania Automated Tools/Scripts None
2021-06-06 07:21:07 Q__Q Illegal Proxy/VPN None
2021-06-05 16:11:03 Poutine Multiple Account Use None
2021-06-05 16:11:03 Mosquito Multiple Account Use None
2021-06-05 16:11:03 juanwilldoit Illegal Proxy/VPN None
2021-06-05 16:11:03 mrmike Illegal Proxy/VPN None
2021-06-05 16:11:03 rocketmann Illegal Proxy/VPN None
2021-06-03 09:31:14 quickmisfit Illegal Proxy/VPN None
2021-06-03 09:31:14 hasidicjew Illegal Proxy/VPN None
2021-06-03 09:31:14 jnkk Illegal Proxy/VPN FFLOP | GLADS
2021-06-03 09:31:14 iBacon Illegal Proxy/VPN None
2021-06-03 09:31:14 ibanstaff Illegal Proxy/VPN None
2021-06-03 09:31:14 lifeline Illegal Proxy/VPN None

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