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Previous Shame Lists
Era 9 Era 10 Era 11 Era 12 Era 13 Era 14 Era 14v2
Era 15 Era 16 Era 17 Era 18 Era 19 Era 20
Era 11 Shame List
Alliance Total Alliance Total Alliance Total
Intoxicated infiltrators 05 FFLOP | GLADS 04 RelentlessLegacy 04
Rising Brotherhood 03 Cerberus 03 La Cosa Nostra 01
Sweet Revenge 01 DEMK 01 niTe 01
Total Bans 62 Others 41 Inactives N/A
Players banned with ** linked to Alliance listed.
Time Username Offense Alliance
2022-01-30 12:22:38 DirtyMuzzChez Multiple Account Use Intoxicated Infiltrators
2022-01-30 12:22:38 SweetThanks Multiple Account Use Intoxicated Infiltrators
2022-01-30 12:22:38 PoPeye Automated Tools/Autobuyer RelentlessLegacy
2022-01-23 14:40:32 Jon_Snow Illegal Proxy Use/VPN None
2022-01-23 14:40:32 Eanonka Illegal Proxy Use/VPN/Tor None
2022-01-23 14:40:32 Apophis Illegal Proxy Use/VPN None
2022-01-23 14:40:32 KiNG_PiN Illegal Proxy Use/VPN None
2022-01-23 14:40:32 VeryChill Multiple Account Use/Illegal Proxy Use/VPN None
2022-01-23 14:40:32 HerbieD Multiple Account Use/Illegal Proxy Use/VPN None
2022-01-23 14:40:32 CyberDoxle Multiple Account Use Cerberus
2022-01-23 14:40:32 LiveMyNightmare Multiple Account Use Cerberus
2022-01-23 14:40:32 Bliuske Multiple Account Use/Attacking Accounts on the Same IP Intoxicated infiltrators
2022-01-23 14:40:32 DaddysGirl Multiple Account Use/Attacking Accounts on the Same IP Intoxicated infiltrators
2022-01-23 14:40:32 Skmo69 Creating Multiple Accounts None
2022-01-23 14:40:32 MarvJones Multiple Account Use None
2022-01-23 14:40:32 TheFarm Multiple Account Use None
2022-01-23 14:40:32 Samsquantch Multiple Account Use None
2022-01-23 14:40:32 HermanTheGreat Multiple Account Use None
2022-01-23 14:40:32 Elphie Illegal Proxy Use/VPN None
2022-01-23 14:40:32 PleaseRewind Multiple Accounts/Illegal Proxy/VPN RelentlessLegacy
2022-01-23 14:40:32 Colossal Multiple Accounts/Illegal Proxy/VPN RelentlessLegacy
2022-01-23 14:40:32 RockPaperScissorsUrMom Multiple Account Use None
2022-01-23 14:40:32 RockPaperScissorsPlayCheckers Multiple Account Use None
2022-01-23 14:40:32 Granny Creating Multiple Accounts None
2022-01-23 14:40:32 Mrspo123 Multiple Account Use None
2022-01-23 14:40:32 Gunnersaurus Multiple Account Use None
2022-01-23 14:40:32 Mattypollard Multiple Account Use None
2022-01-05 22:12:30 Vengeance Automated Tools/Autobuyer DEMK
2022-01-05 22:12:30 EXETK Automated Tools/Autobuyer Intoxicated infiltrators
2022-01-05 22:12:30 Spijker Illegal Proxy Use/VPN None
2022-01-05 22:12:30 DwarfKing Automated Tools (Perm Banned) FFLOP | GLADS
2022-01-01 01:55:12 finehaveityourway Multiple Account Use/VPN (Perm Banned) None
2022-01-01 01:55:12 Whodidit Multiple Account Use/VPN (Perm Banned) None
2022-01-01 01:55:12 b000 Multiple Account Use/VPN (Perm Banned) None
2022-01-01 01:55:12 KoC_Admins_are_morons Illegal Proxy Use/VPN (Perm Banned) None
2022-01-01 01:55:12 whodoneit Illegal Proxy Use/VPN (Perm Banned) None
2022-01-01 01:55:12 Ferro88 Creating Multiple Accounts None
2022-01-01 01:55:12 Ferro1989 Creating Multiple Accounts None
2022-01-01 01:55:12 Kamila88 Creating Multiple Accounts None
2022-01-01 01:55:12 Fulgrim Creating Multiple Accounts None
2022-01-01 01:55:12 UncleEvbo Creating Multiple Accounts None
2022-01-01 01:55:12 Evan_of_Chaos Creating Multiple Accounts None
2022-01-01 01:55:12 llll Multiple Account Use FFLOP | GLADS
2022-01-01 01:55:12 IlIl Multiple Account Use FFLOP | GLADS
2021-12-26 06:31:24 CondeAvila Violating KoC Rules. (Multiple Account Use/Attacking Accounts on the Same IP). Rising Brotherhood
2021-12-26 06:31:24 AussieSabber Violating KoC Rules. (Multiple Account Use/Attacking Accounts on the Same IP). Rising Brotherhood**
2021-12-26 06:31:24 Promnestria Violating KoC Rules. (Multiple Account Use/Attacking Accounts on the Same IP). Rising Brotherhood**
2021-12-21 10:25:06 Joebloggs Automated Tools/Autobuyer La Cosa Nostra**
2021-12-20 07:02:49 Outkasted Automated Tools/Autobuyer None
2021-12-20 06:41:12 Huntme4ever Automated Tools/Autobuyer FFLOP | GLADS
2021-12-20 06:27:41 reasonpolice Automated Tools/Autobuyer Sweet Revenge
2021-12-20 06:27:41 Gremlin Creating Multiple Accounts RelentlessLegacy
2021-12-18 07:28:24 Night Automated Tools/Autobuyer niTe
2021-12-18 06:55:20 lordathey Automated Tools/Autobuyer Cerberus
2021-12-18 05:49:04 red5hirt Automated Tools/Autobuyer None
2021-12-18 05:49:04 royl3jester Illegal Proxy Use/VPN None
2021-12-18 05:49:04 T88FEB Automated Tools/Autobuyer None
2021-12-10 05:32:22 Bizzy Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-12-10 05:32:22 LazyxDragon Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-12-10 05:32:22 Meeko Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-12-10 05:32:22 Krayzie Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-12-10 05:32:22 WarLord_5 Multiple Accounts/Attacking Accounts On The Same IP/Illegal Proxy Use/VPN None
2021-12-10 05:32:22 L33roy-Jenkins Multiple Accounts/Attacking Accounts On The Same IP/Illegal Proxy Use/VPN None

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