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One does not simply set a timer to end the era.

Previous Shame Lists
Era 9 Era 10 Era 11 Era 12 Era 13 Era 14 Era 14v2
Era 15 Era 16 Era 17 Era 18 Era 19 Era 20
Era 9 Shame List
Alliance Total Alliance Total Alliance Total
RelentlessLegacy 16 FFLOP | GLD 07 Sweet Revenge 06
La Cosa Nostra 05 niTe 04 DEMK 03
NWO 02 The Nomads 01 Cerb 01
NGF 01 FearfulMooses 01 ..::Tears of Fury::.. 01
The Company 01 Wallstreet Gorillas 01 Rising Brotherhood 01
Total Bans 157 Others 107 Inactives 29
Players with None no alliance affiliation / Players banned with ** linked to Alliance listed.
Time Username Offense Alliance
2021-05-29 21:38:01 BParlar Multiple Account Use/Attacking Accounts on the Same IP None
2021-05-29 21:38:01 stinger22 Multiple Account Use/Attacking Accounts on the Same IP None
2021-05-26 12:52:45 Tw1st-- Permanent Banned niTe
2021-05-26 12:52:45 RKaiZen Multiple Account Use niTe
2021-05-26 12:52:45 iZen Multiple Account Use niTe
2021-05-25 08:16:57 Dank Automated Tools/Autobuyer FFLOP | GLD
2021-05-23 15:58:17 AeileonElNino Multiple Account Use None
2021-05-23 15:58:17 Sloppy_joe Multiple Account Use None
2021-05-23 15:58:17 Sergei Multiple Account Use/Attacking Accounts on the Same IP Sweet Revenge
2021-05-23 15:58:17 energy32 Multiple Account Use/Attacking Accounts on the Same IP niTe
2021-05-08 12:01:10 Sanctuary Automated Tools/Autobuyer NWO
2021-05-03 01:58:09 Alya Automated Tools/Autobuyer La Cosa Nostra
2021-05-01 16:46:10 jfl88888 Automated Tools/Autobuyer La Cosa Nostra
2021-05-01 02:29:51 Fin4Main Automated Tools/Autobuyer FFLOP | GLD
2021-04-29 08:00:39 Ra_LoP Automated Tools/Autobuyer FFLOP | GLD
2021-04-24 06:51:40 medicgozinyah Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-04-24 06:51:40 Admin_Support Illegal Proxy Use/vpn None
2021-04-24 06:51:40 TryndaQuadra Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-04-24 06:51:40 OddJob42 Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-04-24 06:51:40 SonicRage-TC Advertising The Company
2021-04-24 06:51:40 bowling4soup Automated Tools/Autobuyer DEMK
2021-04-24 06:51:40 Hirondelle Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-04-24 06:51:40 HighSecurity36 Automated Tools/Autobuyer Wallstreet Gorillas
2021-04-24 06:51:40 Nameless- Automated Tools/Autobuyer RelentlessLegacy
2021-04-24 06:51:40 Arterus Illegal Proxy Use/vpn None
2021-04-06 06:30:39 Glamdring Permanent Ban None
2021-04-06 06:30:39 Xter1 Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-04-06 06:30:39 BeeRam9000 Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-04-03 11:36:50 Lucille Multiple Account Use Rising Brotherhood
2021-04-03 11:36:50 FlickTheBean Multiple Account Use None
2021-04-03 11:36:50 saveliv Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-04-03 11:36:50 SteeltoeStompN Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-04-03 11:36:50 twentytwo Automated Tools None
2021-04-03 11:36:50 APersonOnAComp Illegal Proxy Use/vpn None
2021-03-23 05:50:37 Billylions_back Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-03-23 05:50:37 harmashanew Multiple Account Use Sweet Revenge
2021-03-23 05:50:37 hani4u1991 Multiple Account Use Sweet Revenge
2021-03-23 05:50:37 WackyFace Multiple Account Use None
2021-03-23 05:50:37 DethPhart Multiple Account Use None
2021-03-23 05:50:37 Riskel Multiple Account Use None
2021-03-23 05:50:37 TeKaslovakia Illegal Proxy Use/vpn None
2021-03-13 12:56:00 Thegreatflapo Automated Tools/Autobuyer None
2021-03-13 12:56:00 Mirmi Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-03-13 12:56:00 TeKaslovakia Illegal Proxy Use/vpn None
2021-03-13 12:56:00 NotPallis Illegal Proxy Use/vpn None
2021-03-13 12:56:00 BattleTits Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-03-13 12:56:00 Bren Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-03-13 12:56:00 Defender Multiple Account Use None
2021-03-13 12:56:00 thee_fbi Multiple Account Use None
2021-02-28 04:46:35 I_YELL_ALOT Automated Tools/Autobuyer La Cosa Nostra
2021-02-27 01:29:10 Amelio--ToF Automated Tools/Autobuyer ..::Tears of Fury::..
2021-02-26 01:41:52 MuitoNegro Automated Tools/Autobuyer La Cosa Nostra
2021-02-22 19:34:27 Prometia Automated Tools/Autobuyer None
2021-02-20 23:29:27 SparkyDragon Multiple Account Use None
2021-02-20 23:29:27 Leonjc Multiple Account Use Sweet Revenge
2021-02-20 23:29:27 jacko Multiple Account Use Sweet Revenge
2021-02-20 12:02:20 jeff Automated Tools/Autobuyer None
2021-02-20 12:02:20 TR0UBL3S0M3-NGF Multiple Account Use NGF
2021-02-20 12:02:20 Get_Hard Multiple Account Use None
2021-02-20 12:02:20 gumbumgooboo Multiple Account Use None
2021-02-20 12:02:20 fretful42 Multiple Account Use FearfulMooses
2021-02-15 22:58:55 skeeterboy77 Automated Tools/Autobuyer RelentlessLegacy
2021-02-15 20:14:14 El3ageeb Automated Tools/Autobuyer NWO
2021-02-14 02:38:46 BabyYaga Automated Tools/Autobuyer Sweet Revenge
2021-02-12 10:28:03 rangers55 Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-02-12 10:28:03 BILLYBOY212 Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-02-12 10:28:03 Killerclown_DEMK Automated Tools/Autobuyer DEMK
2021-02-12 10:28:03 Guyver_Death Multiple Account Use None
2021-02-12 10:28:03 Goddess_of_Night Multiple Account Use None
2021-02-12 10:28:03 Chaos_of_Darkness Multiple Account Use None
2021-02-12 10:28:03 Encore Illegal Proxy Use/vpn RelentlessLegacy
2021-02-12 10:28:03 CrossingMind Illegal Proxy Use/vpn RelentlessLegacy
2021-02-12 10:28:03 m00sejuice Illegal Proxy Use/vpn None
2021-02-12 10:28:03 BTC- Illegal Proxy Use/vpn None
2021-02-12 10:28:03 koful Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-02-12 10:28:03 kabberty Permanent Banned None
2021-02-12 10:28:03 ICanPlayNowTyBon Permanent Banned None
2021-02-08 05:19:59 m00sey Illegal Proxy Use/vpn RelentlessLegacy
2021-02-08 05:19:59 SoVain Illegal Proxy Use/vpn RelentlessLegacy
2021-02-08 05:19:59 Benassi Illegal Proxy Use/vpn RelentlessLegacy
2021-02-08 05:19:59 Silverwing Illegal Proxy Use/vpn RelentlessLegacy
2021-02-08 05:19:59 TheGary Multiple accounts/Attacking accounts on the same ip/Illegal Proxy Use/vpn RelentlessLegacy
2021-02-08 05:19:59 BigPineapple Multiple accounts/Attacking accounts on the same ip/Illegal Proxy Use/vpn None
2021-02-06 19:02:47 JoeyTieuVinh Illegal Proxy Use/vpn None
2021-02-06 15:40:05 Dukeatradies Multiple Account Use None
2021-02-06 15:40:05 paddington Illegal Proxy Use/vpn FFLOP | GLD
2021-02-04 00:18:15 Lord_vader69 Automated Tools/Autobuyer La Cosa Nostra
2021-02-02 13:49:31 emu111 Illegal Proxy Use/vpn RelentlessLegacy
2021-02-02 13:49:31 Zaydolla Multiple Account Use RelentlessLegacy
2021-02-02 13:49:31 Diaz21 Multiple Account Use RelentlessLegacy
2021-02-02 13:49:31 Samzi Multiple Account Use RelentlessLegacy
2021-02-02 08:56:48 Showmethemoney Automated Tools/Sell Catcher The Nomads
2021-02-02 08:56:48 DrunKnX Illegal Proxy Use/vpn None
2021-02-02 08:56:48 OrcMaster28 Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-02-02 08:56:48 Nunokanguro Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-02-02 08:56:48 Warlock420 Illegal Proxy Use/vpn FFLOP | GLD
2021-02-02 08:56:48 Bombers265 Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-02-02 08:56:48 blast-radius Illegal Proxy Use/vpn None
2021-02-02 08:56:48 Callguy12 Illegal Proxy Use/vpn RelentlessLegacy
2021-02-02 08:56:48 barni Multiple Account Use None
2021-02-02 08:56:48 PomWarrior Multiple Account Use None
2021-02-02 08:56:48 hereforfun72 Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-02-02 08:56:48 Star Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-02-02 08:56:48 albus88 Illegal Proxy Use/vpn None
2021-02-02 08:56:48 PietPiraat Automated Tools/Autobuyer Cerberus
2021-02-02 08:56:48 BobMcCain Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-02-02 08:56:48 Samzi1 Illegal Proxy Use/vpn RelentlessLegacy
2021-02-02 08:56:48 Goraakh Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-02-02 08:56:48 Goraash Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-02-02 08:56:48 Danks_Legacy Illegal Proxy Use/vpn FFLOP | GLD
2021-02-02 08:56:48 mule666 Illegal Proxy Use/vpn FFLOP | GLD
2021-02-02 08:56:48 DeepInside Illegal Proxy Use/vpn None
2021-02-02 08:56:48 Cemadrian Multiple Account Use/Attacking Accounts on the Same IP None
2021-02-02 08:56:48 Omgkittenmewmewmew Multiple Account Use/Attacking Accounts on the Same IP None
2021-02-02 08:56:48 invisi Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-02-02 08:56:48 Trvpgod Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-02-02 08:56:48 Cube Creating Multiple Accounts DEMK
2021-02-02 08:56:48 Darknite786 Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-02-02 08:56:48 ritascp Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-02-02 08:56:48 sommelierofpussy Offensive Username None
2021-01-16 01:35:26 Zibidi Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-01-16 01:35:26 Zololo Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-01-16 01:35:26 Hohoho Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-01-16 01:35:26 Zibidi Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-01-16 01:35:26 Libido Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-01-16 01:35:26 Totoso Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-01-16 01:35:26 Talibo Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-01-16 01:35:26 Zalim Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-01-16 01:35:26 Zindik Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-01-16 01:35:26 Bigcrazy Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-01-16 01:35:26 Kololo Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-01-16 01:35:26 Kofo Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-01-16 01:35:26 Sololo Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-01-16 01:35:26 Yolo Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-01-16 01:35:26 Hoho Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-01-16 01:35:26 Zolo Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-01-16 01:35:26 Illegalmeese Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-01-16 01:35:26 jlar36 Illegal Proxy Use/vpn/tor RelentlessLegacy
2021-01-16 01:35:26 Smurfcrazy Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-01-16 01:35:26 Koko Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-01-16 01:35:26 OcKoc_admins Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-01-16 01:35:26 sorkn6 Multiple Account Use, Threatening players via ingame message system None
2021-01-16 01:35:26 sorknsab Multiple Account Use, Threatening players via ingame message system None
2021-01-16 01:35:26 vleea Multiple Account Use, Threatening players via ingame message system None
2021-01-16 01:35:26 Myleftnut Multiple Account Use, Threatening players via ingame message system None
2021-01-16 01:35:26 Josesosa Multiple Account Use/Attacking Accounts on the Same IP None
2021-01-16 01:35:26 Oldplayer Multiple Account Use/Attacking Accounts on the Same IP None
2021-01-16 01:35:26 Smurfcrazy Multiple Account Use/Attacking Accounts on the Same IP None
2021-01-16 01:35:26 EDC- Using features otherwise than intended/Selling and resetting your account None
2021-01-16 01:35:26 G-WIZ Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-01-16 01:35:26 lachy Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-01-16 01:35:26 breezy Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-01-14 20:51:29 xkwizt Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-01-14 20:51:29 Alvanor Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-01-14 20:51:29 DonCorleone_LaCN Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-01-14 20:51:29 shorty Creating Multiple Accounts None
2021-01-14 20:51:29 shawty Creating Multiple Accounts None

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